Glossary incomplete

A list of commonly used colloquialisms in the game

Bark you ain't got 💩

If you don't have a good hand on your First Call, you can choose to "Bark" and give the hammer to the player to your left.

Frankie if I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all

Another name for 10-3 due to a member at SLO CC (Frank Richardson) who commonly struggles to roll it.

Hammer the play caller 🔨

The hammer is when a player has the call. You can pass the hammer if you bark on a call or get the hammer if someone goes out in front of you.

Parity 2 ✏️'s

When every player has 2 pencils. Some groups will put their pencils back in the jar at this point, some will require the remaining players to put $5 in again.